Call steward local 251
Call steward local 251



Forming a union is the only real way for workers to fight against these abuses. If you don’t know who your steward is, or how to reach your local, contact the CUPE office in your area. “DHLNH had a history of wage theft, state wage & hour law violations and labor law violations. “Teamsters 251 welcomes these 30 new members who stuck together in their righteous fight for fairness and decency in the workplace,” says Matt Taibi, Local 251 Principal Officer. “But the Teamsters national contract and Local 251 contract delivers big improvements in working conditions, wages and benefits.” “Honoring the picket line of our brothers and sisters at DHLNH tested our commitment,” said Steward Bethany Stamp. Hours vary based on location about a dozen locations in the Seattle area 14.99 for a deep-dish apple pie. Their local agreement calls for strong wage improvements and fully-paid Teamster-sponsored healthcare. WINSTON-SALEM Two Winston-Salem women were convicted Monday of inciting two female residents at an assisted-living facility to fight each other in 2019. one hours pay for every day that workers are forced to be on call. One hundred days into their first term, the reform leadership is living up to its nameby taking united action and rebuilding union power by getting members involved. “The solidarity we built over the last 14 months delivered a strong future.”ĭHL Express clerical workers voted to join Local 251 separately, and were negotiated into the national agreement between the Teamsters and DHL Express. 217, Jobs with Justice, Fuerza Laboral, NEARI, Teamsters 251, UNAP, UFCW 328. April 2, 2014: Teamster members swept the United Action Slate into office in the 5,500-member Rhode Island Local 251 last fall.

call steward local 251

“We faced poverty wages, unsafe working conditions and disrespect by the company,” said Sarong Rath, a Local 251 DHLNH steward. Just Cause discipline and grievance & arbitration to address concerns. The group will also see over a 70 percent increase in company contributions toward healthcare. Upon ratification of the contract, workers will receive over 13 percent increases in starting wages, over 15 percent increases in average wages and six percent increases in wages the remaining three years.


Since joining Teamsters Local 251 in June 2017, DHLNH workers have seen big improvements. May: New IBT organizing manual becomes available Research and Education Department staff hold first stewards seminar in Canadian Conference for Local 1000. “These brave workers went on strike for nine weeks and demanded the respect that they deserve.”

call steward local 251

“This is a strong first contract for workers willing to fight for one,” says Matt Maini, Teamsters Local 251 Business Agent.

call steward local 251

The picket line is located at 9601 F Street, Omaha. NPE Local 251 members are encouraged to wear green as we join in solidarity to show support for striking BCTGM union workers. If you have questions about your rights as an employee, about our Collective Agreement with Algoma Steel. Local 251/AFSCME members will join striking Kellogg’s employees on their picket line in Omaha on Sunday, November 7 from 2-4pm. By teamsterslocal251 on JDHLNH & DHL Express Workers Ratify First Contractīy standing together, Teamsters Local 251 members at DHLNH fought and won a first contract that demonstrates the power of a union. We are here to help the members of Local 2251.

Call steward local 251